## version $VER: XX.catalog XX.XX (XX.XX.XX) ## codeset X ## language X M_COMMODITY_NAME ; Watcher Coolness; M_COMMODITY_TITLE ; Watcher V1.0 1993 by Franz Hemmer; M_COMMODITY_DESCRIPTION ; The Ultimate Watcher Utility; M_ALREADY_DISABLED ; Watcher already disabled.; M_ALREADY_ENABLED ; Watcher already enabled.; M_CX_UNIQUE ; Some sneaky task tried to launch\nanother broker with my name - naughty!; M_NO_OTHER_PUBSCREENS ; There are currently no other public\nscreens to jump to.; M_COULD_NOT_FIND ; Couldn't find; M_ALREADY_ACTICE ; already active; M_CANT_LAUNCH ; Can't launch; M_SYSTEM_NOT_AVAILABLE ; amigaguide system not available.; M_CANT_OBTAIN_DATATYPE ; Can't obtain datatype; M_UNKNOWN ; *UNKNOWN*; M_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_FILE ; Unable to open file.; M_COULDNT_ALLOCATE_X_MEMORY ; Couldn't allocate %ld bytes of\memory.; M_UNABLE_TO_OBTAIN_LOCK ; Unable to obtain lock on %s.; M_NO_GUIDE_FILE_AVAILABLE ; Sorry, no guide file available.; M_COULDNT_OPEN_WINDOW ; Error: Couldn't open window.; M_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_MENU ; Error: Unable to create menu.; M_OLD_WATCHER_PREFS ; !WARNING!\nI encountered and old Watcher preference\nfile. I'm using internal defaults.; M_QUIT_SLB_FIRST ; Quit SLB first.; M_NO_MEMORY_FOR_MENU ; Error: No memory for menu.; M_CANT_FIND_PULIC_SCREEN ; Error: Can't find public screen.; M_WORKBENCH_NOT_AVAILABLE ; Error: Workbench not available.; M_WINDOW_TOO_LARGE ; Sorry! Window too large to fit on screen.; M_CANT_GET_VISUAL_INFO ; Error: Can't get visual info.; M_CANT_GET_DRAWINFO ; Error: Can't get draw info for public screen.; M_NO_UTILITY_LIBRARY ; Fatal Error: Couldn't open utility.library V37.; M_NO_WORKBENCH_LIBRARY ; Error: Couldn't open workbench.library V37.; M_NO_ICON_LIBRARY ; Error: Couldn't open icon.library V37.; M_NO_GADTOOLS_LIBRARY ; Fatal Error: Couldn't open gadtools.library V37.; M_NO_DISKFONT_LIBRARY ; Error: Couldn't open diskfont.library V37.; M_NO_COMMODITIES_LIBRARY ; Error: Couldn't open commodities.library V37.; M_NO_ASL_LIBRARY ; Error: Couldn't open asl.library V37.; M_NO_IFFPARSE_LIBRARY ; Error: Coulnd't open iffparse.library V39.; M_NO_DATATYPES_LIBRARY ; Error: Couldn't open datatypes.library V39.; M_NO_AMIGAGUIDE_LIBRARY ; amigaguide.library is missing!\non-line help will not be available.; M_WINDOW_NOT_AVAILABLE ; Window not available.; M_CANT_FIND_GUIDE_FILE ; Error: Can't find guide file.; M_GUIDE_ERROR ; Sorry! Can't find specified guide file.\nPlease check the Guide File string gadget in the\nWatcherPrefs program.; M_MENU_JUMP ; Jump; M_MENU_JUMP_SC M_MENU_UTILITIES ; Utilities; M_MENU_SLB_PROJECT ; Project; M_MENU_SLB_UPDATE_ALL_LISTS ; Update All Lists; M_MENU_SLB_UPDATE_ALL_LISTS_SC M_MENU_SLB_ABOUT ; About; M_MENU_SLB_ABOUT_SC M_MENU_SLB_QUIT ; Quit; M_MENU_SLB_QUIT_SC M_MENU_SLB_SLB ; System List Browser; M_MENU_SLB_SLB_SC M_DOUBLE_CLICK_TO_REMOVE ; Double click the App Info icon to remove it.; M_APPINFO_REQ1 ; Usually you drop program files onto this\nApp Icon. But then again, you didn't care\nabout that. So, what do you want to do now?; M_HIT_UPDATE_FONT ; You need to hit the \"Update\" button\nin order to see the font list.; M_HIT_UPDATE_VOLUME ; You need to hit the \"Update\" button\nin order to see the volum list.; M_HIT_UPDATE_ASSIGN ; You need to hit the \"Update\" button\nin order to see the assignment list.; M_PUBLIC_SCREEN_NAME ; Public Screen Name :; M_PUBLIC_SCREEN_TITEL ; Public Screen Titel :; M_ADDRESS ; Address :; M_WIDTH_HEIGHT ; Width,Height :; M_DEPTH ; Depth :; M_FONT_NAME ; Font name :; M_FONT_SIZE ; Font size :; M_WINDOWS ; Windows? :; M_GADGETS ; Gadgets? :; M_INFO_ON ; Info on :; M_SIZE ; Size :; M_VERSION ; Version :; M_DATATYPE ; Datatype :; M_PICTURE ; Picture :; M_LIBRARY_NAME ; Library Name:; M_VERSION2 ; Version :; ; ID :; M_OPEN_COUNT ; Open count :; M_DEVICE_NAME ; Device Name:; M_VERSION3 ; Version :; M_ID2 ; ID :; M_OPEN_COUNT2 ; Open count :; M_TASK_NAME ; Task Name :; M_COMMAND_NAME ; Command Name :; M_PRIORITY ; Priority :; M_STACK_ADDRESS ; Stack address:; M_STACK_SIZE ; Stack size :; M_STACK_LOWER ; Stack lower :; M_STACK_UPPER ; Stack upper :; M_STACK_USED ; Stack used :; M_PORT_NAME ; Port Name :; M_PRIORITY2 ; Priority :; M_PORT_ADDRESS ; Port Address :; M_TASK_TO_SIGNAL ; Task to signal addr.:; M_RESOURCE_NAME ; Resource Name:; M_VERSION4 ; Version :; M_ID3 ; ID :; M_OPEN_COUNT3 ; Open count :; M_NO_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION ; No additional information.; M_FONT_NAME2 ; Font Name :; M_SIZE2 ; Size :; M_TYPE ; Type :; M_STYLE ; Style :; M_FLAGS ; Flags :; M_NOMINAL_WIDTH ; Nominal Width:; M_BASELINE ; Baseline :; M_ACCESS_COUNT ; Access count :; M_CHAR_RANGE ; Char range :; M_X_DPI ; X DPI :; M_Y_DPI ; Y DPI :; M_VOLUME_NAME ; Volume Name :; M_DEVICE_NAME2 ; Device Name :; M_CREATION_DATE ; Creation Date :; M_SIZE3 ; Size :; M_VOLUME_FREE ; Volume Free :; M_FREE_IN_PERCENT ; Free in percent:; M_ASSIGN_NAME ; Assign Name :; M_DIRECTORY ; Directory :; M_RELEASE_NOTES ; Released as PD and written by Franz Hemmer.; M_ERROR ; Error; M_INFORMATION ; Information; M_QUIT ; Quit; M_LOAD ; Load; M_CANCEL ; Cancel; M_YES ; Yes; ; No; ; by; M_WRITTEN_BY_ME_ON ; Written by Franz Hemmer on; M_WARNING ; Warning!; M_HAS_HIT_ALERT_LIMIT ; has hit alert limit!; M_ALERT ; ALERT!; M_NOW_ABOVE_ALERT_LIMIT ; now above alert limit!; M_VOLUME_NOW_OK ; Volume now ok!; M_CANT_CREATE_MESSAGE_PORT ; Error: Can't create message port.; M_CANT_CREATE_TIMER_REQUEST ; Error: Can't create timer request.; M_CANT_OPEN_TIMER_DEVICE ; Error: Can't open timer.device.; M_CANT_LAUNCH_CX_BROKER ; Error: Can't launch Cx broker.; M_CANT_FIND_PREFS ; !WARNING!\nCan't find Watcher preference file.\nI'm going to use internal defaults.; M_CANT_LAUNCH_APPINFO ; Can't launch App Info.; M_CANT_FIND_WATCHERPREFS ; Couldn't find SYS:Prefs/WatcherPrefs; M_QUESTION ; Question:; M_NONE ; *NONE*;